Federal Budget 2024-25 | Hall Chadwick

Federal Budget - Perspective The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the 2024–25 Federal Budget at 7:30 pm (AEST) on 14 May 2024. Described as a “responsible Budget that helps people under pressure today” , the Treasurer has forecast a second consecutive surplus of $9.3 billion. The main priorities of the government, as reflected [...]

2024-05-16T10:58:28+10:00May 16th, 2024|Federal Budget|

Structural choices for expanding into the US – an issue-driven analysis

"We have published an article titled 'Structural Choices for Expanding into the US: An Issue-Driven Analysis' in The Tax Specialist.  The article explores the US, Australian, and treaty issues that arise from concurrent business operations in both countries.  It is awe-inspiring to sail down the confluence of the wild rivers of US [...]

2023-06-20T16:22:46+10:00June 20th, 2023|Tax Insights, Taxation|

Federal Budget 2022-23 | Hall Chadwick

A Budget for the current conditions The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, handed down the Albanese Government's first Federal Budget at 7:30pm (AEDT) on 25 October 2022. Despite an uncertain global economic environment, the Treasurer has lauded Australia's low unemployment and strong export prices as reason for a 3.5% growth in the current financial [...]

2022-10-26T15:47:50+11:00October 26th, 2022|Federal Budget|

IN FOCUS: Latest Insolvency Statistics

ASIC's latest Insolvency Appointment Statistics reflect the impact of pandemic 'temporary' measures withdrawal. In response to the COVID pandemic, the Government previously implemented a range of ‘temporary’ measures to assist business weather the economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic. All of these temporary measures have now expired and the impact of the withdrawal of [...]

2022-10-20T10:58:04+11:00October 19th, 2022|Business Update|

Doing Business in Australia | Our Guide

An essential read for those tasked to undertake due diligence on entering or investing in the Australian market In the everchanging global economy, Australia provides immense opportunities for international business. The combination of a highly qualified work force, extensive infrastructure, natural resources and a familiar legal system to most parts of the world is [...]

Australian Tax Rates & Tables 2022-23

Tax Rates & Tables 2022-23 We’ve created a quick reference guide for you containing the 2022-23 tax rates.  Covering both individual and company tax rates, tax offsets, superannuation, depreciation and fringe benefits tax.  This easy to print desktop guide is available to download and print. Click here to Download [...]

2022-08-24T11:36:12+10:00August 24th, 2022|Tax Insights|
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